Daily Youth Devotion (DYD) Experience
Steps to Success
These are proven methods for guaranteed success through the DYD experience.
“And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sit in thine house, and when thou walk by the way, when thou lie down, and when thou rises up.”
(Deuteronomy. 11:19 NKJV)
I. Set aside 20 minutes Monday-Friday at the same time each day.
You have to make DYD a daily calendar event on you and your child’s schedule.
Choose a time that you know you can maintain without conflicts. Routine is key!
Choose the time that works best for your schedule whether it is morning, afternoon or evening. (Note… I chose before school because it prepared them for the day).
The DYD experience provides your child with spiritual enrichment, just like their academic enrichment at school. We incorporated a ‘break’ on Saturday and Sunday to keep it aligned with how they are being taught in the school system.
CHILDREN AGES 5-8: We recommend for parents to watch with the 5-8 to keep them focused. Depending on the child, you may want to break it into two 10-minute sessions to answer questions and manage their attention span.
II. Set an atmosphere for your child to experience DYD
Set a comfortable atmosphere where your child can watch and hear without interruption.
Plan for your child to listen after they have awaken and completed some morning routines (wash face, brush teeth, etc.) to assure they are awake to listen without distractions.
Assure that your child is not doing other activities, such as homework, watching TV or playing a video game while watching the DYD session.
The focus should be solely on DYD session and what is being taught.
Initially you will have to be the heavy (you make the decision), but the rewards will be worth it. Maintain your position to invest the Word of God in your child. (Note… my children tried the ‘I am so tired’ excuse too. Once they found out it wouldn’t work, they started looking for the study time).
III. Start the DYD Sessions from the Beginning
It is best to start the DYD sessions from the beginning of the series. The first series explains Bible basics. This will make it easier to follow through the sessions.
Each session is meant to build their understanding of the Bible.
I also recommend repeating any session that your child doesn’t quite understand. Repeating a session in the series will only help reinforce the principles being taught.
Each series concludes with a review quiz. The purpose is to help them remember and understand the material in the series.
CHILDREN AGES 5-8: Children 5-8 may need a little assistance understanding some of the concepts as they relate to your daily life. The parent can help reinforcements what they learn in the DYD sessions.
(Note…the reason children know their favorite cartoon characters on television is because they watch them over and over again. Repeating sessions is a good way to reinforce the message).
IV. Pray with your child as they go through the DYD experience.
Praying with your child during the DYD experience teaches them to talk to God when they have any issues they should pray about it. They will learn the power of prayer and build their faith. (Note: We prayed after each morning session)
When you pray with them, pray for their day and their protection. This will help them feel loved and cared about.
Creating a routine for children can sometimes be difficult. I encourage you not to give up. The child will complain and come up with many excuses for giving up. Incorporating the Daily Youth Devotion (DYD) Experience into your child's life will be planting powerful seeds that will change their future. (Note: As the parent, I let my children know they did not have an option, and now they are grateful.)
You are now ready to begin your child's journey…It’s been made EASY !!!